The Sarah Jane
This is The Collected, a place so frustrating in its nature that the great
philosopher from the planet Alpha Demo, Delphaconnick, called it- “A symbol of
truly how Godless and random creation is in its cruelty to fucking with all life.”
It’s basically pluckings from creation.
Pluckings is like cracklings.
Oh, go look up BBQ and cracklings, I need to get on with this…
There have been times in his long life when he thought he was going to
die, a feeling of death coming upon him at random moments, but after a man has
travelled to Hell a few times and knocked rather rudely on Heaven’s Gates Death
would rather not even wish to be associated with you by name; so changes are in
Death has plans for this sort of person though, let’s be clear about that.
Maybe this was one of the reasons why a long time ago he made the choice
to abandon his true name in favor of a title…?
No title is not the right word? It’s more of a handle or more so I guess a
nickname would the better word to use?
I guess?
A nickname given by a mistake of misunderstanding.
Notice is what he is called.
That’s just how things are.
Like getting nicknamed Patience by assholes on the baseball team.
Not that, that was my nickname in high school.
Get the look of surprise off your face that I might have been on the
baseball team.
It’s true.
Notice in time became contentedly familiar with it as what people called
him and liked that it also always raised questions when new encounters occurred.
Everyone loves some mystery in other people’s views of them.
Notice is not human, an alien if you will, though he does look human in outwardly
Funny how that seems to happen a lot in the random chaos of the universe?
Maybe a lot of writers also have a bit of Xenophobia in their
Wait, is Xenophobia the right word for illirational views of peoples from
other planets?
Speciesism might be a better fit?
Ok, now I’m told illirational isn’t a word, let’s move on, I think that’s
needed, I’m running down a tangent lost highway.
Notice’s people have many talents but one of the most useful of them is they
can travel the energy waves of creation: Time, dimensions, realities, and
space, all roads at the feet of his people.
Once when he really concentrated he travelled along a length of phone
lines on Earth old school superhero style to track down an intergalactic bounty
In this section of this story were I introduce you to him he has travelled
to 2008 Earth, the North American Continent, the country of the United States
Of America, the state of Florida, in the county of Brevard, and while I was
rambling randomly about him he died.
Face down in the swimming pool of an apartment complex, body mostly burned
away to be unrecognizable to anyone who knew him.
Though his story, our story is just beginning and we have plenty of time
before we need to get to this point; so I would disregard this entire first
But you really should Google crackling.
The Sarah Jane wasn’t built for a police attack.
It wasn’t built for Black Hole Racing either.
Those ships are built on the pirate planet of Konnegut.
The Sarah Jane was built in a space port, in a remote area of civilized
space called- The Port System Of Interstellar Ship Building.
It was cooperate owned and controlled so no visitors were allowed to give
two shakes about it having one of the worst names in the history of space goings
and comings.
It wasn’t built on the planet, and then finished above the planet Verronet
to sustain an attack from police forces.
The planet Vabicet is where they build those sorts of ships.
The Port System Of Interstellar Ship Building has a population dedicated,
born, dying, and living their lives for the building of ships and such.
Space empires aren’t created through fair trade and small business
It is one of the best working ways of building things since the pyramids.
Suck it Ford and your moving assembly line.
Notice once visited Verronet during a particularly bad workers strike. He
helped bring together the two sides after months of bloodshed to discuss terms.
He left as they sat at a big table mere minutes after all the fighting had
Two minutes after he left military forces stormed the meeting room, killed
everyone inside, left the planet, dropped a virus bomb that wiped out all life
on the planet, sent in a clear-out crew, and then shipped down new workers
after virus cleanup was complete.
Those new workers are the hands that built The Sarah Jane and even though
it wasn’t built for police attack, it was built by workers who didn’t want to
die and thus gave the work everything they had.
Having the stink of military cleaners still in the air is a good work day
But I have to ask if they were planning to drop a virus bomb on the planet
why did they take the time to storm the meeting room?
The next
installment of the flash fiction adventures of Notice as he finds trouble,
makes friends, and tries to make himself feel superior to others.
(c)System * Publishing
brian c.williams
The book that started it all.
The first two Tin Universe Middle Grade books-$1.00,
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